Law Enforcement we are very skeptical of change in the use of social media as an outreach tool to the community.. With the influx of newer technologically suave officers we need to tap into their abilities. I have seen departments delve into Facebook, but again only as an information giving port. As a former police chief however, I see the other side. The fear of a possible lawsuit over a misunderstood exchange with a citizen is ever present in our minds.
I feel what we need is well trained public information officer to begin the process of tweeting and blogging. This will occur slowly over time and I can foresee officers tweeting and blogging from their cell phones some day in the future with the full support of their leaders. A thought maybe we need to start with the social media basics in the recruit academy and build a strong base moving forward. I have found that the best trainers in these aspects are investigative reporters and journalists. Hopefully we can engage them in our training processes.
As a teacher of criminal justice I see all of my students engaged in tweeting, blogging and other social media all day long. Even during class if you can believe that! Maybe this is a sign of the future in law enforcement.
Check out this story at the following link: