Security Assessment
Risk Assessment

EIS Risk Assessment professionals employ a methodology of analyzing the threats and vulnerability at a facility, determining the potential for losses, and identifying cost-effective corrective measures and residual risk. The purpose for establishing the risk baseline is to assist in developing a comprehensive security system to lower a business or facility’s threat posture, thereby adding additional protection for our clients’ personnel and properties.

How safe is your facility? You may be wondering if your facility is up to the latest industry standards. Or maybe you’ve met industry requirements, but want to take your safety and security to the next level. Perhaps you’d like an expert assessment of your emergency preparedness. For over 16 years, EIS, Inc. has been providing security services for businesses in a wide range of industries. We understand the needs of different businesses, building types, locations, and budgets.
contract security

From financial institutions to commercial warehouses, universities to hotels, we’ve been a leader in the contract security industry for nearly four decades. That’s why we’re proud to offer a physical security assessment for your facility. We use our extensive experience and expertise to perform an in-depth evaluation of the current safety and security of your facility. We discuss the results of our physical security assessment with building or facility management and determine what steps could be taken to improve the overall safety and security of your location. We take into account the many qualities unique to your business and location, and develop specific strategies to meet your needs. EIS, Inc. can help you implement a higher standard of safety and security.
Our comprehensive assessment includes common security areas such as:
- Access issues
- Potential problem areas
- Code issues
- Industry standards
- Current loss prevention program
- Fire safety
- Emergency preparedness
- Efficacy of current security programs (if any)
- Location and surrounding environment
- Type of business (inventory, industry standards, etc.)